Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Devil is in the Details

I knew it.  I knew it would happen like this.  Days and days of abject boredom and silence and oh god the lonely.  And now?  BAM!  STUFF TO DO!

My brain kicked into high gear the other day regarding reunion planning and today all the million little things I had kinda, sorta, maybe a little bit blocked out that I needed to do and delegate started to get done.  Details.  So many details. 

Details that when broken down into list form rather than piled in an Everest sized heap in my head are actually not impossible to trek around.  Emails.  Websites.  More emails.  Meetings.  et cetera and so forth.  I know it will all come together beautifully but my most immediate stumpedness centers around the invitation design because browsing 41 pages of Vistaprint did me no damn good whatsoever today. 

I am overthinking this probably.  See, my rival high school's 20 year reunion party was last weekend.  Now I'm not going to say it was a suckfest because I didn't go and I am in-real-life friends with one of the guys who put it together and I would hate to say disparaging things about the party and/or his efforts because this type of thing is a lot of damn work and I would hate for people say stuff like that about me.  karma.  Plus, they're having ANOTHER reunion party next month and I am sure that will be lots of fun.  Can't wait to see the pics on facebook because I'm not going to that one either.

Here's the thing though: I want my party to be better.  Because I am a competitive person.  secretly.  And even though the whole idea behind both school's reunions is a sense of no pressure, general laidbackness...I want mine to be more laid back.  More open and welcoming.  More fun.  It is turning into a whole weekend of events and while I really don't want to overschedule people because that is the exact opposite of laid's all going to be relaxed and groovy stuff.  

My original vision was just to have the best damn oyster roast reunion party ever.  Now?  There's more. 

  • Welcome reception/tour at the school. 
  • Immediately followed by a family tailgate party/football game (even though it's not the Homecoming football game like the principal and I discussed in January but he doesn't make the rules apparently so I'm not holding a grudge but I still wish someone had mentioned this to me earlier because now I have to edit the website dammit). 
  • Immediately followed by an afterparty for the grown ups in a private area at a nonschool location. 
  • THEN The Official Reunion Sunset Oyster Roast Party On the Water with much making of merriment and scads of easygoing fun. 
  • Then an official brunch location the next morning. 
  • And a block of rooms reserved at a nearby hotel. 

But all that is mostly taken care of so I'm not even stressed about the schedule except I want to find a place to donate the food for the tailgate party on Friday because I don't want to have to charge people admission for that part. 

And there is so much more to be done.  Details.
  • Firmed up contact list 
  • Invitation design/mailout/RSVPs 
  • Souvenirs
  • Photographer
  • Decorations
  • DJ script/song request list
  • Slideshow
  • Program book
  • Nametags.  (with or without photos?  ack!  I don't know!)
  • Possible alumni directory (?) 
And the biggest thing of all...

Ticket Sales to pay for the party AND have enough left over for a donation to the school's scholarship fund.  I may have to write a press release to get the word out about ticket sales.  add that to the list.  And most likely some other very important things I am not even mentioning or knowing about. 

Pulling off a laid back, seamless weekend of events is a lot of work.

But I bought a couple dresses on ebay for Blogapalooza and got my conference pass in the mail today so that absolutely evens out any franticity I feel about anything else.  Whew.

1 comment:

Wendi @ Bon Appetit Hon said...

Your reunion sounds like it's going to way better than mine. I fully expect to arrive to find nothing more than kegs and dorritos.

Can't wait to hear about your BlogHer experience.